12/09 12:12:06

B flaco, a ver que tene en ese bolso, y as de cabortero noma.
pueblo de mierda, manga de ignorantes, idiotas.
termino este horario y me las pelo pa ya.
como se hubiera quemado un amigo que tengo en Barcelona paaa....!!
ni te molestes en pensar como siguen las noches por estos lados, porque te va a empezar a doler cabeza y no sabrs cual es el motivo.

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en el bolso? el pasaporte.

14.Sep.04 7:33:48 | Beduino

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24.Dec.12 9:01:35 | Virlyn

, they teach us to think. We are not to “know” any answers; merely to know How to find them whenever we are called upon to do so. They are not trying to make us into engineers or historians or chemists; they are trying to make us into graduate students where we can become those things. How ridiculous, he continued, to think that anyone could become any of those things in a mere four years.This was a marvelous revelation to me. I began to think of my brain much as a body builder thinks of his body; a series of distinct muscles to be individually trained to some level of perfection, not for their own sakes, but rather for the resulting beauty of the whole. I wanted to learn not engineering, not history, not chemistry, but rather How an engineer, How an historian, How a chemist thinks. My direction was to become the person who would bring these various highly-trained specialists together later in life to solve problems which would be greater than any of them individually could resolve. I found after a while that whenever I was confronted with a new problem, I would first think, How would an engineer think about this, How would an historian think about this, How would a chemist think about this, and I would select from these the several or many that would offer the most promising results, blending them together as only I and my liberal understands could do. And every time I did this and achieved some new goal, I would think how fortunate I was that I had chosen to grow my brain in that liberal tradition.As I’ve mentioned, I was there during the start of this transition from learning Hows to learning Things, and so I consider myself familiar with both the “old ways” and the new. Obviously I have profound respect for the old. So I find it curious that the old is now considered just that: old; somehow no more than a too costly luxury. I can’t help but think however that back in the “old days”, when only the wealthy elite where allowed access to the finer levels of education, this idea that the classics and the liberal tradition was a too expensive luxury was never entertained. Indeed, when it was only available to the elites, it was not only not too expensive, it was demanded, and institutions that did not provide it were looked down upon as mere “trade schools”. Why then that only now as these things have become available to also lift the rabble from their ignorances has it suddenly become so critical that these new intellectuals justify themselves in the marketplace by knowing some narrower Thing? It seems not only that we are becoming ignorant, which of itself is no shame, but also that we are choosing to become so, which is.

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P.S. Your title reminds me of the first book of Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy, in which the social historians gather copies of all the books and hide them away far from the expected ravages of a coming interplanetary war. They have no belief that these will be used any time within their lives, but hope only that perhaps in some future world they will be retrieved and the knowledge of the ages will be once again available to all.Camden, New Jersey is a very poor, largely black adjunct to the far richer Philadelphia. Being next to each other but in a different state, much of what would have been Philadelphia’s poor go off to Camden’s slums seeking cheaper living. Camden’s severe financial problems are governmentally much further apart from the financial problems of Philadelphia than the width of the river that separates them would suggest, but suffice to say, there is little politically that Philadelphia can do to aid its poverty-stricken neighbor. This is often the case in the United States wherever major metropolitan areas span state lines. We have many Camdens.This Camden, whose children rarely find a book under their Christmas trees, so constrained financially are their parents, has chosen to close their public library system. Apparently it cannot survive a cost benefit analysis. Tragic as this is, what they have chosen to do with the books therein is far worse. You see, rather than simply lock the doors and hope that in some future world they might once again find it possible and beneficial to employ a librarian or two, they have decided to sell those books off at whatever pennies they might command, and for those that will not command pennies, to toss them into dumpsters, to be crated away as just yesterday garbage. Apparently there is also no cost benefit to simply letting them lie in wait for future hopes.The harm, especially to the children, of closing a city’s libraries is obvious enough, but to close them in a fashion such as Camden has chosen is to close them in a way where they can almost certainly never be opened again. It is a solution that only a neoliberal could love.

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stone, I cannot really discuss the internal workings of the schooling system in the Soviet Union but it was mostly likely one of the best in natural sciences. I do not know how professors got their tenure and what bureaucratic pressures they faced and clearly there were many positive as well as negative examples. However, overall it was all about people who lived their lives with this system and who never wanted to make money out of it. It was not their primary goal. If you have heard about Perelman, a Russian mathematician who turned down a $1m prize, then he is an example of mentality those people had. I remember many of professors from my physics degree but I can hardly remember anyone from the economics university which I also had “luck” to graduate from some years later.You ask why transition happened so fast with such educational system. I would answer that transition was not fast and Perelman is not an exception but these people become a very rare breed. Educated people did not disappear overnight but they were educated in different terms. They had no grounds to challenge any economic theory. So they just adopted economic theory of neoliberalism without challenging it because neoliberalism was extremely good at presenting itself. People went from one extreme (planning system) to another extreme (market fundamentalism) without asking a single question. Psychology of neoliberalism is very primitive and it was very easy for neoliberalism to win this fight. It is pretty much the same way how the primitive and young psychology of western civilization wins against any other psychology (e.g. eastern) which are much older and much more developed.So though I do not agree with all points that Bill makes here but many of them do resonate with me and the schooling system I studied in.

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stone, I cannot really discuss the internal workings of the schooling system in the Soviet Union but it was mostly likely one of the best in natural sciences. I do not know how professors got their tenure and what bureaucratic pressures they faced and clearly there were many positive as well as negative examples. However, overall it was all about people who lived their lives with this system and who never wanted to make money out of it. It was not their primary goal. If you have heard about Perelman, a Russian mathematician who turned down a $1m prize, then he is an example of mentality those people had. I remember many of professors from my physics degree but I can hardly remember anyone from the economics university which I also had “luck” to graduate from some years later.You ask why transition happened so fast with such educational system. I would answer that transition was not fast and Perelman is not an exception but these people become a very rare breed. Educated people did not disappear overnight but they were educated in different terms. They had no grounds to challenge any economic theory. So they just adopted economic theory of neoliberalism without challenging it because neoliberalism was extremely good at presenting itself. People went from one extreme (planning system) to another extreme (market fundamentalism) without asking a single question. Psychology of neoliberalism is very primitive and it was very easy for neoliberalism to win this fight. It is pretty much the same way how the primitive and young psychology of western civilization wins against any other psychology (e.g. eastern) which are much older and much more developed.So though I do not agree with all points that Bill makes here but many of them do resonate with me and the schooling system I studied in.

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Statseide og statsdrevne institusjoner og bedrifter skal i større eller mindre grad kunne påvirkes av demokratiske mekanismer. Hvordan dette kan skje vil variere med hva slags tjeneste de leverer, og hvilken makt borgerne har over institusjonen.I tilfellet Telenor er det ikke nødvendig med sterk styring fra politisk hold, fordi borgerne (forbrukerne) kan bruke sin markedsmakt. Uten Telenors infrastruktur ville det gått dårlig med oss, men alle har interesse av at den fungerer bra, og markedet regulerer dette på en bra måte.I tilfellet helseforetak er situasjonen en helt annen. Politikerne har delegert i praksis all beslutningsmyndighet til styrene, hvor politiske interesser i mindretall. Det medfører bl.a. helseforetakene ikke trenger å ta hensyn til demokratiske mekanismer og borgernes rettigheter/meninger.Jeg tror man må skille ulike deler av beslutningsmyndighet til styrer, og et overordnet (politisk organ). Sykehusstruktur, satsning på teknologi, infrastuktur må koordineeres sentralt skal må få størst mulig effekt. De enkelte helseforetakene her heller ikke midler til å drive større IT- og teknologiprosjekter, og er vel ikke en sentral del av deres virksomhet. Et sentralt organ kan også yte større påvirkingskraft i planlegging av veier, flyplasser osv. Sykehusene er en sentral del av samfunnssikkerheten, og plassering av enhetene kan ikke foregå tilfeldig. I en del utkanter av helseregionene risikerer man nå å få veldig lang reisevei til akutttilbud fordi det mangler koordinering. Kapasitet er heller ikke samordnet, så det blir noe tilfeldig hvor stor og lokalisering av ulike behandlingstilbud.Private helseforetak vil neppe etablere seg i distrikts-Norge, og markedet vil ikke fungere på samme måte som for Telenor. Derfor tror jeg at man trenger en viss politisk styring enten det er privat eller statlige foretak.Jeg har skrevet høringsuttalelse om dette.

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