* A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another.

* Chagrin, mortification, discontent, or uneasiness at the sight of another's excellence or good fortune, accompanied with some degree of hatred and a desire to possess equal advantages.

whole nights could be spent constructing flawless theories of denial, perfect treaties of auto-suggestion. the result of inaccuracies ruled by uncertainties and disbeliefs. useless.

regardless of the options, an invisible course in the mist of this motionless sea of lingering expectation. a problem solving approach to an unsolvable process. flow.

within the traveled circumferences of wind, lie the facts, reluctant to be seen, recurrent, obvious after the trip. assumption.

a next circle, a new vertex, repeatable parameters inspiring a dream of similar trajectories projecting into bounded resonances in this iteration. learning.

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